Dema Services | Funds
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Cyprus Funds/Fund Management Companies/Investment Firms


Cyprus Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs)


1. An alternative investment fund (AIF) and its investment compartments is a collective investment entity, which is not an Undertaking for Collective Investments in Transferable Securities (UCITS).
2. An AIF can be set up as a common fund, an investment limited liability company with shares with fixed or variable capital, a limited liability partnership
3. An AIF can be an open-ended AIF or a close-ended AIF.
4. An AIF can be set up with more than one investment compartment, each of which is subject to the provisions of the law as a separate AIF.
5. An AIF with a limited number of investors, up to 50, can be set up.
6. Registered AIF’s can also be set up in Cyprus.


The regulatory authority is the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission.

Dema Services has expertise in setting up funds and provides assistance with the text of the special articles of association and memorandum of the fund and also with selection of the local lawyers, accountants, directors and custodian. Dema Services can help from the outset, handling the application to the regulating authority, and providing administration.

Once the fund is set up, Dema Services can provide all the compliance (AML and regulatory) services. It has the required qualified employees.

Dema also sets up and provides compliance services to Fund Management Companies and Cyprus Investment Firms.

A corporate services provider based in Cyprus.